Gian Carlo Feleppa grew up in Amagansett obsessed with music, records, and The Beatles since the very beginning. Writing songs, playing guitar, and multi-track recording became a way of life, leading to years of listening and learning.
After receiving a degree in Songwriting and Composition at Berklee College of Music, Feleppa moved to New York City; starting multiple bands, releasing records, touring, working in record stores, instrument shops, and record pressing plants. In 2003, Feleppa purchased his first sitar and his life was forever changed. He accompanies yoga classes on sitar, performs and teaches multiple instruments and recording techniques to children of all ages at local schools and camps.
Currently, Feleppa is focused on his new band, Student Body, his 10 year old daughter, Ea, and sharing the joy of hearing sound with children in the Hamptons communities.