Guild Hall & Bel Canto Boot Camp Resident Artist Series


The Guild Hall & Bel Canto Boot Camp Resident Artist Series is a collaboration between Guild Hall of East Hampton and Bel Canto Boot Camp. By providing individualized training from Bel Canto Boot Camp mentors and masterclasses with international artists, the series aims to support a new generation of emerging opera singers and to increase awareness and appreciation of the unamplified voice. 

For more information, reach out to Guild Hall Patti Kenner Director of Learning + New Works, Anthony Madonna at

Bel Canto Boot Camp was born during the pandemic when we reached out to singers around the world – singers who had no place and seemingly no reason to sing. To be honest, we needed to find a way to feed our own souls as well while we were cut off from music making – something we never even considered could possibly happen. We created The Vaccai Project – a unique online training course for singers. Just short of two thousand singers from America to South Africa, from Columbia to Russia practiced together for the day when stages would be open to them again and theaters would be filled with audiences. We discovered a beautiful new way to support singers – beautiful in its inclusivity, its expansion of the richness of the New York opera community to artists all over the world, the breaking of often prohibitive barriers of distance, cost, time and audition-only programs.

Now, as the world continues to emerge from Covid-19, Bel Canto Boot Camp strives to support artists in the physical world as we did (and continue to do) virtually. Our ability to work in person with singers is now supported by an online platform allowing us to stay in contact when we cannot be there physically. Additionally BCBC allows singers, teachers, and presenters to network effectively with each other in the ever growing BCBC community.




The Guild Hall and Bel Canto Boot Camp Resident Artist Series is supported by the Law Office of Natascia AyersAlexandre and Lori ChemlaBarbara HorganEllen E. Myersand Michéle and Steve Pesner, with additional support provided by Jan and Marilyn BreslowStan Herman, the Jeannette and H. Peter Kriendler Charitable TrustCornelia and Lawrence RandolphJanet C. Ross, David Seeler and Ngaere Macray, Irene Silvermanand Barbara Toll.   
Public funding provided by Suffolk County

All Musical Programming supported in part by The Ellen and James S. Marcus Endowment for Musical Programming.

Guild Hall’s Learning + New Works programs are made possible through The Patti Kenner Arts Education Fellowship, Vital Projects Fund, the Glickberg/Abrahams S. Kutler Foundation, the Lewis B. and Dorothy Cullman Endowment Fund, and The Melville Straus Family Endowment. 

Additional support provided by Friends of Learning + New Works: Julie Raynor Gross, and Stephanie Joyce and Jim Vos