The jewel-box Hilarie and Mitchell Morgan Theater was renovated in 2024, reopening with state-of-the-art technical capabilities and roomier, more comfortable seating. The theater is an ideal setting for plays, rehearsals, performances, concerts, private screenings, interviews, film shoots, and corporate presentations. The backstage area houses a green room/meet and greet space equipped with full conferencing capability, a hospitality kitchen, and 6 dressing rooms. Theater technical equipment specs are available on request.
Deck to House Floor: 3’
Apron to Proscenium: 5’ 6 3/4”
Proscenium to Upstage: 28’ 6 1/4”
Proscenium height: 15’ 11 1/4”
Proscenium width: 25’
299 seats
Click HERE for a seating chart.
For rates and availability, and to learn more about renting the theater at Guild Hall, please contact Emanuel Wheeler at, 631.324.0806 x126.