Board of Trustees

Guild Hall Trustees. Photo: Madison Fender/BFA, 2023
Chairman Marty Cohen
Executive Director Andrea Grover


Board Members  
Bob Balaban Sondra Mack
Jane Bayard Linda Macklowe
Albert C. Bellas
Investment Committee Chair
Susan Mark
Toni Bernstein Galia Meiri-Stawski
Ross Bleckner Stephen Meringoff
Mary Jane Brock, 2nd Vice Chair, Executive Committee Cheryl Minikes
Valentino D. Carlotti Hilarie L. Morgan
Michael Cinque Ellen Myers
Lucy Cookson Lincoln Palsgrove IV
Mireya D’Angelo Pamela Pantzer
Executive Committee At-Large
David DeLeeuw Jim Peterson
Treasurer, Executive Committee
Florence Fabricant Louise Phanstiel
Alexandra Fairweather Julie Raynor Gross 
Eric Fischl Tom Roush
Cornelia Heins Sheri Sandler
Kim Heirston Henry S. Schleiff
Phyllis Hollis Lisa Schultz
Executive Committee At-Large & Marketing Committee Chair
Bruce Horten Regina Scully
Christina Isaly Liceaga Jane Shallat
Susan Jacobson John Shea, Secretary, Executive Committee
Patti Kenner Laurie Sprayregen, Assistant Treasurer, Executive Committee
Barbara Lane
Museum Advisory Committee Chair
Sue Sylvor
President, Volunteers of Guild Hall
Linda Lindenbaum Monica Tessler
Jeff Loewy Peter M. Wolf
Christina MacDonald

Jeff LoewyBruce Wolosoff
Ken Wyse
1st Vice Chair, Executive Committee, & Events Committee Chair

Honorary Life Trustees

Marjorie F. Chester
William Dreher†
Robert B. Menschel†

Ex Officio Trustees

Alexander Federbush
Nominating Committee Chair

Trustees Emeriti

Ruth Appelhof†
Harry Kamen†
Mickey Straus†

† Deceased