Founded in 2002, OLA of Eastern Long Island, Inc. (Organización Latino Americana) is a nonprofit Latino-focused advocacy organization working in the five East End towns of East Hampton, Southampton, Riverhead, Southold, and Shelter Island.
OLA’s work is rooted in the belief that our entire East End community benefits from an inclusive approach that involves respectful dialogue and shared accountability.
The change we want to see happens only through the solidarity of as many community members as possible. Building this solidarity is central to the way we work and to creating an East End that fully recognizes and embraces the contributions, energy, and dynamism of local Latinos.
Fundada en 2002, OLA de Eastern Long Island trabaja para lograr un East End más equitativo para los inmigrantes latinos, abogando por políticas gubernamentales y escolares justas e inclusivas; protegiendo familias; fomentando el poder y la unidad entre latinos a través de talleres de liderazgo y otros programas; y construyendo puentes entre diferentes sectores de la comunidad del East End por medio de la celebración de las artes y la cultura.